GIFTED MAGNET » Welcome to Braddock Drive Gifted Magnet

Welcome to Braddock Drive Gifted Magnet

Braddock Gifted Magnet is one of LAUSD’s highest performing elementary school magnet programs. Dedicated, creative teachers provide students with rigorous and differentiated curriculum. Braddock Gifted Magnet students participate in a science fair, spelling bee, and more. They read novels beyond their grade levels, do project-based math and science projects, explore topics in current events, create and edit short films, and more. Braddock Gifted Magnet classes benefit from dedicated teacher’s aides (paid for by the Friends of Braddock) whose assistance permits the teachers to do extra programming.
IMG 1 Students Together
At Braddock Gifted Magnet, the focus is on higher levels of cognitive concepts and thinking processes. Teachers provide enrichment and encourage originality. Differentiation is reflected through acceleration, depth, pacing, complexity and creativity. Teaching one to two years above grade level is standard. Braddock Gifted Magnet students have historically been some of the highest performing in the district.