ABOUT » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

All students are expected to arrive on time at 8:06am, attend school daily, and meet the

goal of 0-7 absences from August to June.


ABSENCES, tardies, and early leaves

If your child is absent from school for any reason, please:
•    call the office to notify us of the reason
•    submit a note of explanation to your child’s teacher on the day your child returns to school. 
Parents are permitted to excuse up to 7 absences during the entire school year, from August-June.  A medical excuse is required on the 8th absence, or after 5 consecutive absences.  Absences without a valid reason are counted as a truancy.  
Tardies and Early Leaves contribute to truancy; a 30 minute unexcused tardy/Early Leave will be counted as a truancy.  Parents are permitted to excuse 7 tardies and Early Leaves combined.  A medical excuse is required on the 8th tardy/Early Leave.  Tardies/Early Leaves without a valid reason are counted as a truancy.  
LAUSD makes daily, automated telephone calls and emails to the parent/guardian of students who are tardy or absent; please expect to receive an absence/tardy notification, even after you have already notified us of the reason.



Parents/guardians are responsible for supporting their children to maintain excellent attendance and track the number of absences.  Please give call us to learn the most current number of absences your child has. 
Excellent = 0-7 absences 
Basic (at-risk) = 8-14 absences 
Chronic (at-risk) = 15+ absences

procedures - tardies/early leaves

All students are expected to arrive on time at 8:06am and remain in school the entire school day.  Make every effort to schedule your child’s health appointments outside of regular school hours to maximize your child’s instruction time.  If your child is late or leaves early, please:

•    come to the Main office, and 
•    provide a note of explanation (medical appt., etc), and
•    per LAUSD policy, provide an identification if picking up a student. Adults must be a parent or be listed on the Emergency Card with release authorization.


why does attendance matter

The foundation of student academic success is excellent attendance.  Students who maintain strong attendance have higher high school graduation rates, and graduates earn at least $10,000 per year than high school dropouts. Please make every effort to have your child attend school every day, while teaching them to Be Responsible. 
Did you know that LAUSD received $63.48 per child for every day of attendance last year?  Braddock students missed out on $217,102 last year due to absences for resources such as teacher aides, lunch time supervision, and counseling services.  



For more about how you can support excellent school attendance, please click here for the LAUSD School Attendance Guide For Parents:
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