RESOURCES » Before & After School Care

Before & After School Care




Ready-Set-Go! is part of the LAUSD Beyond The Bell program. Funded by state and federal grants, “Ready-Set-Go!” has been developed to meet the academic and supervision needs of many elementary children during the critical period before school begins. 



LA’s BEST strives to provide a safe and supervised after-school education, enrichment and recreation program for children in Los Angeles. Students receive a nutritious meal, help with their homework and the opportunity to participate in a wide array of enrichment activities..

STAR Galaxy offers a daily dose of scheduled classes from the end of the school day until 6 PM. Students rotate through classes that may include a homework lab, math, literacy, sports, theater, dance, and other enrichment classes.

Youth Services is part of the LAUSD Beyond The Bell program. It is a permissive program where students sign-in and leave the program by their own volition. Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately and may lose the opportunity to participate if their behavior is disruptive.

  • Grades: 2 - 5
  • Fees: None
  • Hours: School dismissal until 6:00 pm
  • Enrollment occurs on the first day of school on a first come first serve basis
  • After the first day of school, contact program director on site to enroll
  • Click here for program information